3 Longfleet Road | Poole | BH15 2HN

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth and tooth loss

Missing teeth can severely impact your daily life. It can affect your general health, your appearance and your self-esteem. Learn more about what role your teeth play in your mouth and the consequences of tooth loss.

All of your teeth have an important role to play. They help you chew and grind up food. They also help you speak clearly and are the essence of your smile.


What causes tooth loss?

  1. Your tooth died – plaque forms on your teeth if not cleaned away, which can dissolve the minerals that harden enamel. In time this can destroy your teeth by creating holes.
  2. Your gums are inflamed – gums are made up of tissue and ligaments that keep your teeth stable. They work as protective shields for your tooth roots and stimulate your jaw bone to grow around the tooth. When bacteria cause an inflammation of the gums, these ligaments start vanishing, the gum pulls back, and the bone around the tooth reduces.
  3. You had an accident – accidents can lead to the loss of one or more teeth and cause trauma to your gums and surrounding bone; unfortunately, in most cases, the trauma only becomes apparent months or even years after the incident, after it has already impacted the tooth root.
  4. It’s genetics – An illness called ‘Congenital Anodontia’ causes people to be born with a reduced number of teeth or, in severe cases, no teeth at all. In some instances, adult teeth are not developed. Another genetic dental problem is ‘Ectodermal Dysplasia’, which is when the surface of the tooth (enamel) hasn’t got enough strength and therefore creates a cone or peg-shaped tooth/teeth.

So what are my options? And why should I bother?

When you lose teeth, it disturbs the connection between teeth and bone. Gum and bone are no longer stimulated well enough due to missing teeth, so the jaw bone starts shrinking, and your gum pulls back. This can weaken neighbouring teeth until they collapse. Teeth in the opposite jaw can then start growing into the gap.

Missing teeth and a reduced jawbone can make your face look older and wrinkly, and your cheeks can become hollow and saggy because they can no longer fully stabilise your lips and cheeks from the inside.

Every tooth counts.

  • Change your smile
  • Tooth movement
  • Speech problems
  • Difficulty eating
  • Cracked or chipped

Your options for replacing teeth: 

Dental Implants – Replaces a missing tooth and act like your natural tooth root.

Dentures – A removable replacement for missing teeth can be fixed to implants.

Bridges – Replaces a missing tooth or teeth and attaches to stable teeth.

Crowns – A shell that fits snugly over your natural tooth.

For more information regarding this treatment
Contact us or 01202 973 300
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Treatment -  Dental

Dental Emergency

Dental Emergency

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Dental emergencies often occur at theworst times

Treatment -  Dental

Dental Bridge

Dental Bridge

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A gap can also mean your ‘bite’ is affected

Treatment -  Dental

Single and
Multiple Dental Implants

Single and
Multiple Dental Implants

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Once a dental implant is fitted with its bespoke tooth, the result will look completely natural.

Treatment -  Dental

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

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Dental crowns are an ideal way to rebuild teeth

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Regular visits to your hygienist will ensure a healthy mouth

Treatment -  Dental

Gum Disease

Gum Disease

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Plaque is a very sticky substance made up of lots of types of bacteria

Missing Teeth

Missing Teeth

Missing Teeth

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Missing teeth can severely impactyour daily life

Treatment -  Dental

Teeth in a Day

Teeth in a Day

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dental implants are a permanent solution and they are the closest thing to real teeth

Treatment -  Dental

Dental Weld Cases

Dental Weld Cases

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The WeldOne™ Implant system allows us to deliver a bespoke teeth replacement in the same day

Treatment -  Dental

Bone Grafting

Bone Grafting

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Bone graft, also known as block grafts are a simple procedure carried out by an oral surgeon

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Fixed Teeth

Fixed Teeth

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Dental implant treatment is a possible solution to restore teeth missing or failing in a row

Treatment -  Dental

Caring for your Implants

Caring for your Implants

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Boost your confidence with our cosmetic dentistry treatments

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Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are bonded to the front surfaces of natural teeth

Treatment -  Dental

Tooth Whitening

Tooth Whitening

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A simple, safe and effective method to creating a whiter and brighter smile

Treatment -  Dental

Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover

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improve the appearanceof the smile

Treatment -  Dental

Composite Teeth

Composite Teeth

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filling in gaps between teeth as well as enhancing the patient’s smile

Treatment -  Dental

Scanning & X-rays

Scanning & X-rays

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Dental X-rays (radiographs) are images of your teeth

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Inlay & Onlays

Inlay & Onlays

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More complex repairs require inlays or onlays

Nervous Patients

Nervous Patients

Nervous Patients

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Fear of the dentist is actually completely normal

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Digital Dentistry

Digital Dentistry

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Want to see what you wouldlook like with a smile makeover?

Meet Our Friendly Team

Meet Our Team

Philip McCauley

Clinical Director and Dental surgeon

Kayley McCauley

Director and Hygiene Therapist

Zuzanna Sadura

Dental Hygiene Therapist

Miriam Mikatova

Lead Dental Nurse

Georgina Radford

Dental Nurse

Martina Downs

Dental Nurse

Fiona Mchugh


Trudy Horne


Philip McCauley

Clinical Director and Dental surgeon

Kayley McCauley

Director and Hygiene Therapist

Zuzanna Sadura

Dental Hygiene Therapist

Miriam Mikatova

Lead Dental Nurse

Georgina Radford

Dental Nurse

Martina Downs

Dental Nurse

Fiona Mchugh


Trudy Horne
